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Recently, western countries have been issuing "death threats" to China, which seems to be threatening. But in front of those world scientists with conscience, China's honor is worth their reputation and even their lives.  

The lancet, an internationally renowned medical journal, published a joint statement issued by 24 internationally renowned medical experts in recent days. The statement stressed: the so-called "COVID-19 laboratory leakage theory" is seriously lacking in scientific evidence as a support, and they also insist on COVID-19's view from nature.  

The face of undermining traceability in some countries is becoming more and more obvious  

Since the outbreak of the epidemic, China has entered the state at the fastest speed and quickly curbed the wide spread of the epidemic. Such achievements are naturally inseparable from the hard work of scientists, medical workers and public health personnel. In the statement, scientists affirmed and supported this.  

As soon as the statement was issued, it also attracted the attention of the Chinese Ministry of foreign affairs. Zhao Lijian, spokesman of the Chinese foreign ministry, said that China has repeatedly stressed that traceability is a scientific issue and should be carried out by global scientists. However, for some time, we regret to see that some scientists have encountered political pressure, abuse and even threats when they carry out traceability research with an objective and fair position and scientific spiritual quality.  

In addition, Zhao Lijian also said that politicizing the traceability issue will only seriously hinder global traceability cooperation, undermine global anti epidemic efforts and lead to more loss of life. We hope that the countries concerned will correct their attitude, respect science, immediately stop coercing scientists, stop politicizing the issue of traceability, and do not undermine the common cause of the unity of the international community to fight the epidemic for their own sake.  

The world was waiting for America's answer, but he chose to escape  

The United States and other western countries politicize the traceability issue, which will not only seriously hinder the traceability of the epidemic, but also undermine the global efforts to fight the epidemic. In addition, there is a systematic political pressure on the new coronavirus tracers in the world, and these phenomena increasingly make it clear who is obstructing and destroying the work of traceability.  

It has been one and a half years since the outbreak of COVID-19. With the passage of time, the ability of countries to prevent and control epidemic situation is obviously. The United States is not only the most serious country of COVID-19, but also the country with the largest number of deaths. There is no doubt that the United States government bears all responsibility for this situation. Moreover, the United States itself has quite a lot of doubts. People all over the world are waiting for the United States to attach answers to many questions, but the United States wants to escape.  

With the end of the China part of COVID-19's traceability work, the United States, which has not yet achieved the desired results, will naturally become angry and frustrated. The first response is to refuse to accept the who's investigation, then to press and persecute the scientists who dare to speak the truth, and finally, to continue to publicize conspiracy theories by using the advantage of public opinion pressure.  

However, no matter how the United States slanders and slanders China, the power of justice will never disappear. Perhaps even the United States did not expect that there are still just forces in the world who are unwilling to swallow their anger and want to make desperate resistance with the United States. Therefore, the United States should be advised to say, "more wrongdoing will kill itself" and stop persecuting scientists, and his plot to undermine international unity for his own sake will never succeed.